
Before we start your exam, we need your new patient forms. We offer these forms online, so you can complete them and submit them before you come in.

We can do that if you prefer to have help filling out the forms. Just show up 15-30 minutes early to fill out your paperwork. Then, we can answer any questions about the forms so you can complete them correctly.

A Friendly, Efficient Reception

At Collins Family Dentistry, we work hard to ensure everyone feels comfortable in our office. You’ll be greeted in a friendly way by our front office staff.

We also work hard to keep on schedule, which is something everyone appreciates. You are unlikely to have to wait long in our office, so it makes the most sense to arrive on time, ready for your appointment.

Everyone you meet will take the time to greet you and introduce themselves so you know who you’re meeting with. Dr. Chris Collins will take some additional time to get to know you.

In addition to getting a personal introduction, Dr. Collins will take the time to listen to your goals for your smile. He wants to know if you want to maintain a healthy smile, get cosmetic dentistry for a beautiful smile, or get restorative dentistry to repair damaged or replace lost teeth with dental implants. Dr. Collins will probably ask some follow-up questions to ensure he completely understands what you’re trying to accomplish.

Free Exam and X-Rays

Once Dr. Collins understands where you want to go with your dental treatment, he must determine where you’re starting. This requires a detailed exam and X-rays.

At Collins Family Dentistry in Cheney, we offer complimentary exams and X-rays for all new patient treatment consultations.

Treatment Recommendations

After your exam, Dr. Collins will prepare a list of treatment recommendations. These are the procedures that will help you achieve your treatment goals.

This might be as simple as making regular checkup appointments to stay ahead of developing oral health problems. Or it might be a recommendation for a comprehensive procedure like a smile makeover or a full mouth reconstruction. It might even be a recommendation for further imaging–standard X-rays don’t always give us all the information we need to make crucial decisions about your oral health.

Whenever possible, we’ll give you multiple treatment options. Modern dentistry gives us many tools, and often, we have many ways to achieve the same or similar results. We’ll explain each option so you can understand the advantages and disadvantages of each. It’s usually an option to do nothing if you choose. We’ll explain what will happen in that case, too.

You are always in charge of your dental care at Collins Family Dentistry. Although we have our opinion about the best course of action–and we’ll let you know what it is–you are the one who gets to decide what treatments you want to get.

Schedule a Visit Today

If you are looking for a dentist in Cheney, we invite you to try Collins Family Dentistry. We’re very friendly and welcoming, and we’re always happy to welcome you to our office.

Please call (509) 235-8451 or use our online form today to schedule your appointment at Collins Family Dentistry.